Sign Language Translation Task inside the 8th Conference on Machine Translation, at EMNLP22
Fall 2022
Happy that the paper has been accepted at EMNLP22 for the WMT-SLT challenge, and thankful for the people we will meet. The conference is held Abu Dhabi but we are presenting on GatherTown.

Presented a poster at the Accessibility, Vision and Autonomy Meet Workshop at CVPR22
Summer 2022
Our paper on Topic Detection was accepted as a poster in the Availability and Acessibility workshop (AVA) at CVPR22, held in New Orelans. The work was presented both orally and in a poster format. Meeting fellow researchers at CVPR was awesome!

Giving a Deep Learning conference in Dublin + ACL22
Spring 2022
I was invited, together with Prof. Xavier Giró and Gerard Ion Gállego, to give a seminar on self-supervised to students at the Insight Center phd program at DCU. I also took the opportunity to go to my first conference: ACL.

Presenting my Master Thesis at DLBCN21
Winter 2021
Presented the poster about my Master Thesis in the Deep Learning Barcelona Symposium, and saw how alive the Barcelona Deep Learning community is. I also volunteered to help.

Organizer social event Women in Computer Vision (WiCV) at Neurips 2020
Winter 2020
I took the opportunity to host a session, together with Francisca Cattan titled "Research and job opportunities for ML researchers coming from non-traditional career paths." It was hosted in Gather Town and it was a succes, with many interesting conversations.